jeudi 27 novembre 2008

The Top 5 Resell Rights Selling Secrets

Discover What The Top Resellers Do To Earn A Substantial Income

Resell rights products are a fast and easy way to get started earning an online income, but many people who acquire a resell rights product and put it up for sale quickly find that it is not so easy to make a sale right off the bat.

Here are some secrets that will get you on your way to making a full time income using products with resale rights:

1. Build a list. I know it sounds obvious, but the way you can build rapport with potential buyers is to build a relationship with them, and that starts with getting them on a mailing list. Usually the very best way to get someone on your list is to offer them a valuable free gift in exchange for them opting in to your list.

2. Provide value. By this, I mean you not only try to sell them stuff, but just as often, tell them really cool things that don't make them take out their wallet. Tell them stuff to help them improve their lives, make more money, be happier, and your name will stick in their mind as someone to listen to.

3. Offer useful stuff. When you make a pitch to sell them something, be sure it is useful and relevant to them. If you pitch them on stuff that doesn't work, or isn't useful to them, then they will start to think of you as a spammer, and they may even unsubscribe from your list.

4. Create compelling offers. When you do offer something to your list, be sure to make it as compelling as possible. This means your pitch will engage them emotionally, with nice graphics and video to connect with them on a deep level.

5. Follow-up with valuable bonuses. After someone buys from you, wait a few days, and then email them an unannounced bonus that is valuable. That way, they will always wonder what else you might send, and that will get them opening all your emails.

This is really just the tip of the iceberg, but I hope you get the idea of what it takes to build a good resell rights business. Be nice, be useful, and be friendly, and you will find your lists of prospects and customers will grow and grow, and soon you will be sitting on a nice little empire that you can make money with just by writing a short email and clicking send.

Arthur Goloflinski recommends you take a look at these free ebooks with resell rights, and watch the video training to see how to jump start your income even faster.

1 commentaire:

Unknown a dit…


Private Label Rights is one of the eBooks resale rights that is not as common as just selling eBooks. It’s a trick that works for some and not others. Purchase a current and trusted Private Label Product and rebrand it.